My name is Mesut Kazar and I was previosly a lean manager. The idea of the name 'Inno Proz' comes from this time and it stays in German for Innovative prozesse which means "innovative processes". With the topic supplier quality I get later in touch and have been developed as a processconsultant many foreign suppliers to the level for achiving the quality requirements of the German premium carmakers and energy industries.
Beside a strong background in VDA standarts is our experience in Implementation of lean tools from essential importance. We want to keep forward this benefit for the offered services and have chosen therefore not a issolated name with quality.
During the projects, InnoProz worked with other local Consultants and cooperation partners. Therefore, together we are global operating patchwork team of independent freelancer, dynamic with hands on character, specialised in sourcing, training and developing medium size suppliers. Within the core team are native Chinese, German, English, Africans, Portuguese and Turkish speaking persons. We are all with a German education and work experience background and can get connected at need. This able you the advantage of independent consultancy with the strength of getting the right experts in your projects.
VDA Auditings
PPA, PFA Audit (VDA 2)
Processauditing (VDA 6.3)
Productauding (VDA 6.5)
Processauditing (VDA 6.7)
NTF auditing (VDA)
FMEA Auditing (Non VDA)
Technical cleanliness (VDA 19)
Beside the Auditing Its also offeredl the Audit
preperation for costumer Audits and the
Actioncontrolling of conducted Audits.
Supplier Quality Devolpement
Supplier devolopement Projects planning and leading
Resident engeneering
Training in automotive core tool acording VDA4
Coaching for Implementations
Workshops for new processes
At the beginning you get the Start up help for create a suitiable devolopement planning. After we controlling the progress and reporting it to the management.
New Suplier sourcing in asia
Alternative supplier sourcing
Cost Optimizing Projects
Recutingprocess and HR Support
New buissnes models for Grentech (Solar, LED)
Automotive Support
Engennering R&D
Projektmanagement ( Spice )
RGA and VDA 4.3
Quality Claims (Task force)
Identifing potentials Quickscan
Implementing lean tools (Poka Yoke, T-Card, KPI,CIP 5S, Kanban, SMED, JIT,OEE...)
IAFT 16469, ISO 9001:2015
CQI assessments
Components can positively or negatively affect the quality from the finish product. To see the gap with the costumer’s eye is essential to become more effective. To have smart designed quality processes decrease not only returns, it higher your efficiency and the customer satisfaction at the same time.This adds more cash and Business reliability to your bottom line. I support you , at need with a team of experts, to make this happen.
We are represent your interests and wishes to the costumer/ Supplier
We integrate the Core tolls according the need into the process
We are ensure a sustainability by acting with the owner togheter
We are Transparaent and measurable in our doings
We are preventive by identifying and eliminating the potential risks
We are Consultants with Hands on character, Pragmatic and fast in our Implementations we say " Planning is important, but doing is Better"
Your aditionaly Added Value:
We are Transforming the Ideas from other industries (e.g from Automotive to wind)
We are experienced in the German automotive quality standards
We are applying VDA and Lean Management
We are proven in devoloping medium size supplier to best in Market
We are a small niche provider and therefore very fast and flexible
We are close to the Ccostumer/Supplier (Office in Germany & China)
All Project out of one Hand ( wide networking to other freelancer)
Your Benefit as a Supplier
Reduction of Quality costs
Adherence to Delivery Dates
Increasing efficiency
and Flexibility in operation
Lesser effort by reduction Non Value Added Activities
Learning the German Carmakers Quality view
Knowing the potentials quality risks, and opertunitys betther.
Increasing costumer satisfaction
Profiting of our Best practice examples
Becoming more attractive for new Buissnes
Your Benefit as a Costumer
Due our standardized reporting system you will be on track for what is happing at the Supplier.
Stable processes due better incoming quality
No Operation interruptions due Supplier quality
Your suppliers are becoming better in Quality, Efficiency, Flexibility and delivery dates
Increasing produktquality and Consumer satisfaction
Better communication and cooperation due transparent processes and our local Support.
We manage theWhole Supplier devolvement process managed for you. This Saves your internal resources timefor doing they daily work.
We have been worked in supplier Quality devolpement mainly with small to medium size Suppliers which are delivering the big players of the automotive, chemicals and regenerative energy industries.
Our employee and cooperating freelancer have done in their professional live project for those big playing company’s such. Mercedes Benz, BMW, ZF, Faurecia, REpower, JM, IFA Rotation,Tajco. We support Costumers to find and controll their Suppliers and helping also Suppliers to achive the costumer expactations like in VDA 6.3 Processaudit .
Tel.: +49 (0) 17664079431
Fax: +49 (0)7031 2029970
Skyp: Innoproz
Steuer-Id::56280 / 30008